Educational Visits

During the year all classes will have a number of organised visits. We use these trips to extend and enliven the curriculum. Typically, a class might visit a gallery, museum, theatre, a farm or a park. The Class Teacher will write to you about each trip to ask your permission and let you know about the financial contribution and any special arrangements. Permission slips are required for these trips. However, if it is a local trip not involving public transport, each parent has signed a consent form on admission to the school.

Residential visits

Each year we aim to take Year 6 children away for a week during the Autumn term. This visit focuses of teamwork, resilience and communication and develops the independence of the child as this maybe the first time they have spent time away from their parents. There are lots of fun activities for the children to take part-in to supplement the development of these skills.

Accommodation and arrangements are planned in advance. Orientation meetings are planned throughout the year for Y6 parents and children and there is financial support is available for those who claim benefits.


We try to keep the cost of all visits as low as possible and we normally ask you to make a voluntary contribution. Children who do not pay are not excluded but trips may be cancelled if there are insufficient funds available.

We offer a facility for parents to make payments online for school meals, trips, clubs, uniform and fundraising activities organised by the school. This is a secure service provided by ParentPay Ltd to thousands of schools across the country and avoids long queues at the school. More details can be found at this link: ParentPay information. If you are not sure how much to pay, please contact the Click here request advice from the school.