Lewisham Parent and Carer's Forum Newsletter
Lewisham Autism Support
Autism Strategy Launch
Contact a Family provides support, advice and information for families with disabled children, no matter what their condition or disability
It is a local project working with over 1,000 families in Lewisham who have a disabled child or children.
Information, advice and support
It offers information, advice and support to parents and carers of disabled children as well as to professionals working with families.
Events and family activities
It runs workshops on topics such as challenging behaviour, transition and stress management. It raises funds in order to run activities throughout the school holidays. These range from local cycling, to trips to theme parks and castles. It also runs a monthly swimming session for families in Deptford.
Sign up for our free newsletter at the bottom of this page and receive information on:
- forthcoming local workshops
- activities and family events
- local, regional and national groups and support organisations
- other information for families caring for a child with a special need.
Contact the Contact a Family office to find out more about the services on offer to you.
Call 020 8297 8056 or email lewisham.office@cafamily.org.uk
AFRIL works to relieve poverty and isolation for local refugees and minority ethnic communities.
They help by offering educational programmes for children and adults, raising awareness and working together with the local community. We have come a long way since our foundation in July 2007. Today we work with an average of 120 clients per week from over 40 different nationalities. Last year we were able to use our services to help almost 1200 people.
To contact AFRIL, click on the logo or call 020 8297 4111.